Tiana Demetriou is an AHPRA and ACMA registered acupuncturist and Chinese medicine herbalist. Throughout her studies in eastern philosophy, and Chinese medicine, specifically the ancient texts and oral traditions from the Han dynasty, Tiana has acquired a deep appreciation for the potent insight we can acquire through consistent, and keen observation.
Tiana is fascinated by interdisciplinary collaboration, the felt and unseen aspects of the human experience, and the profoundly inspiring capacity for human transformation; viewing her practice as a way to study the body, and the world around her.
Tiana does one on one clinical practice work at Komyuniti Wellness in Fitzroy, as well as facilitates public workshops and events which encourage people to observe themselves and the world around them through somatic and creative practice.
Tiana’s unique perspective and artistic sensibilities inform her approach. In 2015, she shifted her sculptural and spatial practice to focus on the human body, driven by a desire to create meaningful change in people's lives. Her interest in the human form and sculpture extends beyond the physical; she is equally inspired by the sensory experiences and personal evolution of individuals. Throughout her sculptural practice, Tiana has explored how tangible form elicits intangible feelings in viewers. Today, this understanding informs her acupuncture practice, where she collaborates with clients to co-create transformative experiences through touch, form and sensed feeling, in a welcoming, and safe environment.
Empathetic and intuitive, Tiana brings her creative thinking, and adaptive skills to her sessions, helping to shift and soften the experiences her clients have in their daily lives. As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine, she recognizes the profound power of observing and understanding the laws of nature in order to heal and evolve. Tiana feels it is a privilege to accompany her clients through their process of self healing and actualization.